Enjoyable though his set was, it was only a warm up. What followed was a playful and percussive performance which absolutely flew by, as all too soon he was on the microphone thanking us and announcing the end of his set “short and sweet, like me!” Although I was chuffed to see Danny out here, since his dates have been far less frequent this year, his involvement was unfortunately a bit of a disappointment. Tenaglia opened with some classic house female vocals and his trademark drums, briefly looping the vocal sample from I Will Survive truly a man of the old school. The crowd on the floor and along the balcony was top notch on this day, with the usual slightly more dubious suspects on the podiums flanking the main dancefloor – all part of the charm though. In seconds my mind focused and I remembered that after the Matinee Closing festivities Amnesia was serving Danny Tenaglia for breakfast and with puffy-eyed glee I rolled myself out of bed and all the way to Amnesia in time for his 7.30am start.ĭaytime Amnesia is one of my favourite places in Ibiza – a perfect opportunity to feel part of the amazing community created for a few hours between crowd and DJ, and yet also be able to stand back and observe the ridiculousness around you. If anyone know anymore be welcome to post them.I stared at my ringing alarm in mortification while I figured out who I was, where I was and what terrible reason I could possibly be getting up at 6:30am for in Ibiza. Author claims it "might" not be any cheap jumpscares. House of Creep (1 and 2) - I don't know if the game is funny, but some people find the use of graphic bugs hilarious.īaldo's Discovery - Supposed to be a little funny, scary and challenging. Nintendo Horror Castle - This is just one big troll mod, but in a hilarious way. Silent Hallways - This is mod is still seen as pretty darn scary, so what is funny? Well. Gary Dark Secrets - The author claims it is supposed to still be scary but doesn't use "cheap jump scares", I don't know in what way.

I haven't played them yet so I don't know to well which is what. I found some more mods, some who are just plain funny and some who are also scary. Never heard about "The small horse", sounds a little like Nintendo Horror Castle.

And no, I wont buy a new game just because you dislike me playing a game in a way you don't like.

I didn't ask for your opinion if what you happen to dislike should exist or not.